Chipaca’s Miscellanea

en español

GopherConUK 2024

I came to GopherConUK this year (thanks to Lot’s of interesting things going on! Was networking at conferences always this hard?

tech is cool

So much cool stuff is going on sometimes it’s hard to keep up. A lot of focus on generative AI in this conf, but I learned more than just that. Some of this will be old hat for you 🙂

conferences are hard

I don’t remember conferences being this hard. When did this happen? People are scary, and/or scared of me. I remember being able to drop into conversations and listen in and contribute to them, but now if I approach a group they’ll clam up and I feel like I’m interrupting. Is it me?

I constantly felt like I should be talking with more people, and instead was stuck in my laptop for the majority of the time, hiding from the world.

Maybe I’ve spent too much time with my ASD boys and it’s rubbed off on me 😁.